Vomiting is a common medical condition and is usually a symptom of an illness or disease. Vomiting is usually associated with nausea, but vomiting can also occur without nausea. Homeopathic remedies have been used for over 100 years to help treat vomiting and have been proven to be very successful. Homeopathic remedies are also safe to be taken along with any other type of medical treatment that may be used for vomiting, or the underlying condition.
Calcarea Carbonica and Belladonna for Vomiting
Calcarea carbomica should be taken for vomiting that occurs after drinking milk or eating dairy products. This homeopathic treatment works best when the milk comes up in large chunks or curds. These curds often appear to be yellow or green in color.
Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy that should be specifically be taken by those with vomiting that is associated with any type of cerebral condition.
Camphor Monobromide and Apomorphine for Vomiting
Camphor monobromide is a homeopathic remedy that should be used only for children. This homeopathic treatment is used specifically for children that have any type of disease that affects the brain and causes the vomiting.
Apomorphine should be taken by those with vomiting that is related to any type of cerebral condition. This homeopathic treatment should only be taken if the vomiting comes on suddenly and is not associated with any nausea.
Iris Versicolor and Phosphorous for Vomiting
Iris versicolor is a homeopathic remedy that works well for those that have vomiting spells that come on suddenly and last for days at a time. This homeopathic treatment works best for those with vomiting that has a sour taste to it. Sometimes it is sour enough to cause sensitivity to the teeth.
Phosphorous should be used for those with chronic vomiting. This homeopathic treatment should only be taken by those who crave cold water, but vomit soon after drinking cold water. This homeopathic treatment is especially helpful for those that have ulcers or cancer that is associated with their vomiting.
Although homeopathic remedies do not require a prescription or medical supervision, many people prefer to visit with a licensed homeopath to have a homeopathic remedy selected for them. Licensed homeopaths are far more experienced with homeopath and are better able to select a homeopathic remedy for an individual based on their medical history, medical conditions and any of their accompanying symptoms.